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The Twisted Gate Page 6
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Page 6
Millan was impressed by the acrobatics of the iymed as he gracefully landed outside of the priest's range. Reaper turned tail and made a run for it.
The archdon's star glowed once again. "Blessing of the Lumenail."
A spike made of light fired from the artifact and streaked across the plaza. Reaper spun around and struck the spell with his scythe. The holy energy made contact and fractured the blade. The iymed released his broken weapon and resumed his retreat unarmed.
Feranis motioned to pursue, and Millan and Tyro broke out into the lead. But as they passed the fountain, the entire group halted. A flash of light at the other end of the plaza launched Reaper backward. The demon tumbled through the dirt and came to rest near Millan.
The demon groaned as he struggled to get on all fours. Millan's eyes shifted from Reaper to the priest who had knocked the demon down. His blond hair was tied back into a tail that bounced with each step. In his right hand, he carried a small kite shield, a strange object for a priest to bring into combat. The glow from the shield lingered from its recent blessing as the newcomer slung it across his back.
A couple of priests behind Millan cast their divine restraints. Reaper grimaced as the chains wrapped tightly around his arms and pulled him back into a kneeling position. His jaw trembled, but the demon refused to call out in pain.
"You know what comes next," said Feranis. There was a hint of sadness in his tone. Despite ridding the Surface of another demon and making the kingdom a safer place, it was clear Feranis took no pleasure inflicting pain on another soul.
Reaper took a few swift breaths. "Then my purpose is fulfilled."
The archdon cocked his head. "And what purpose is that?
The demon glanced at the angel in the fountain.
Feranis placed the end of his staff on Reaper's cheek and delicately forced the iymed to make eye contact. "Suddenly you don't want to talk? Come now. You said your purpose was fulfilled. That means there's nothing we can do about it, right? What was your purpose?"
"To allow him to escape."
"We've captured only you. Whom have you allowed to escape?"
"The one who will bring an end to all you know," Reaper said. "One who can walk the Surface. He will usher in the era of Verago, and the living shall be wiped out once and for all."
"We've defeated all of Verago's soldiers before, and we'll do it again."
The demon spit at the ground. "You will stand united before him, and even your precious Prima will fall."
"It may surprise you that you're not the first demon to make such a claim. Anything else you'd like to tell us before I send you back to the Depths forever?"
"No. He's with her now. And in the end…" Reaper eyed everyone standing around him. "You all die."
"Give my regards to Verago." Feranis positioned the four-pointed star at the tip of his staff over the heart of the demon. "By the power of the angels, let the holy light free your soul from the darkness, so that it may be pure and incorruptible."
Millan shielded his eyes as the star gave off a radiant light.
Reaper bellowed, then fell silent.
"Be at peace."
There are many like you, but none are your equal.
Erynion paid little attention to the voice in his head. He bathed in the warmth of the holy prism's wall as the light singed his flesh. The group of humans, including Dulo, slowly backed away from him. The prison flickered and faded, and visibility in the alley was solely the responsibility of Dulo's broken lantern.
Erynion felt the tingle crawl up his neck. "Wait, I need your light."
"Behind us!" one of the humans shouted.
A loud twang rang out from the darkness, followed by a thump. The body of Don Yatiga lit up, giving off just enough light to show the immediate surroundings. The priest and squires knelt beside the body of the seeker, who had an arrow protruding from his chest. Dulo screamed and sprinted up the alley toward the distant streetlights. Erynion edged closer to the group, but kept some distance so as not to disturb them.
Don Yatiga moved her hands around the seeker's wound. "It'll be fine. You're going to be fine."
The injured man took labored breaths until he exhaled one final time.
"Please," Yatiga begged. "Please, find refuge with the angels."
Two silhouettes neared the humans but stood just beyond the range of Yatiga's light. Based on the outline of their figures, Erynion assumed they were both women. The shorter of the two reloaded her crossbow.
A sweet and sensual voice spoke from the shadows. "Vjjal norujj tua badiro vromi du vjja."
Yatiga squared off with the new threat. "Who are you?"
"Patience, my child," the voice said in Kisejjad. The taller figure addressed her companion. "Your work is done here, Overseer. Thank you. You may go."
Erynion recognized the title. "The overseer? Are you two with the Brotherhood? I came to this city to meet her."
As the crossbow-wielding silhouette departed, the demon in the shadows giggled. "That may have been the case before, but right now, it's best if you come with me."
Yatiga stepped between the two demons. "He's not going anywhere. And neither are you."
"You have no idea who you're dealing with." The demon maintained her dulcet tone as she glided into the light. The lower half of her body came into view first. A long red dress spread out like a star on the ground and concealed her feet. The dress clung to her hips and thighs but flowed more freely as it extended from her knees to her ankles. The top half desperately hugged her body, giving shape to her curves. Despite the low cut of her dress, her breasts were obscured by the long, straight black hair that snaked down her neck. Yatiga's light finally revealed a face with stunning features, partially covered by her hair. The demon grinned slyly as she sashayed toward the priest.
Hands at the ready, the two squires joined their superior.
The demon in the red dress pulled back her hair like a curtain and tucked it behind her ear. She locked eyes with the male squire. "What a handsome squire. You've got a bit of age too. I like that. Come to your darling Sereyna."
"Look away, Gheron." Yatiga blocked his line of sight to the demon. "Benedoli, take Gheron and run! Go find Archdon Feranis."
Sereyna placed her hands on her hips. "Aww, don't go and ruin my fun."
"Leave them alone," Yatiga warned. She looked over her shoulder at the two squires. "What are you waiting for?! Get out of here!"
The two squires hugged the wall and passed the demon in the red dress, but Sereyna made no attempt to stop them. Erynion moaned as the agony became more than just a distraction. Remembering how physical pain relieved him the night before, he held his forearm in front of his mouth. The demon stretched his jaw and sank his teeth into his arm. He sighed as his claw hung lifeless at the wrist and blood flowed down his arm. He was relieved enough for him to watch the encounter unfold.
"I could've killed them, you know," the female demon taunted.
The holy glow around Yatiga's body shifted to her hands. "Yes, I know who you are, Seductress."
"Please, I do so very much prefer Sereyna."
"I don't think so," the priest shot back. "You made a mistake coming here. The archdon will be along shortly to deal with you."
"Sadly, I'll have to skip that meeting. More pressing matters to tend to." From her left side, Sereyna produced a staff that Erynion swore had not been there before. A small blade protruded on one end like a glaive with a large hook on the opposite end.
"Blessing of Divine Restraint!" The spell erupted from Yatiga's hands.
With a swift swing of her staff, Sereyna caught the attack on her hook and twisted the weapon. Yatiga arched her back and heaved on the chains.
Sereyna was unmoved. "Adorable."
The priest grunted as she yanked with all her might, but the demon still didn't budge. Sereyna jerked the staff backward, and Yatiga stumbled forward. The bladed end of the demon's staff sailed toward the priest. The chains
of light vanished as Yatiga barely had enough time to create a barrier of light to repel the strike.
As Sereyna steadily applied more pressure to force the dark blade through the holy spell, she brought her face within inches of the priest's. "Don't be afraid. You're too important to die right now."
Yatiga gasped for air. Her body went limp and the barrier of energy disintegrated, once again leaving only Dulo's lantern to light the area.
Still biting his arm, Erynion closed the gap with the demon in the red dress.
The corner of her mouth pushed up. "Stop that. You look ridiculous. You have a name?"
He released his bleeding arm and allowed it to hang by his side. "Erynion."
"I heard. Are you with the Brotherhood?"
The female demon snickered. "Do I sound human to you?"
"Well, I was told to seek them out."
"That was before I found you. Now, you need to come with me."
Erynion hesitated. "Can…can you stop the agony?"
Sereyna caressed his cheek. "Yes, but we need to leave the city right away."
The body of Don Yatiga twitched and rose to her feet.
"Are you ready to go, my child?" Sereyna asked.
"Yes, master."
Chapter 8
As the large bell rang out a single tone across Nolka, indicating half past ten, Millan sat quietly on his bed. The excitement of the night had been so exhilarating that fatigue was settling in earlier than usual. He replayed the events of the night; healing Hyron, cleansing the fray demon, and protecting the citizens in the square from Reaper.
"Don Millan," a voice said timidly.
Millan jumped up. He hadn't noticed someone entered his room.
Gheron stood at the foot of Millan's bed. The squire was pale and sickly. "Sorry, the door was open. Archdon Feranis has requested your presence in his office."
"Understood." Millan bit his lip. "You don't look well. Are you all right?"
"Yes. I just need some time and rest."
"What happened out there?"
"It was…the demon was unaffected…the seeker…and the other was so…powerful. My thoughts were clouded. I could feel my…my control slipping. Please, I don't want to discuss this further," Gheron begged.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."
"I have to go now." The squire hurried away.
Millan picked up his black scarf from the bed and hung it around his neck. On his way to the archdon's office, he speculated what Feranis could possibly want from him at this hour. He reflected on the meeting before the attack. Perhaps, Feranis wished to continue it and discuss the plans for tomorrow. When he arrived at the office, Millan found the door already open.
"Ah, Don Millan, good. Come in. Please, close the door behind you."
The young priest was surprised to find another man in the office, standing off to the side. Millan recognized him from his shield. This priest had prevented Reaper from escaping in the town square.
"Don Millan, may I introduce you to Don Eriph from Light's Haven," Feranis said. "Soon to be Archdon Eriph, if I'm not mistaken."
"Please, that's not necessary," said the shield-bearing priest.
"It's an honor." Millan crossed the room and gave a slight bow.
Eriph returned the gesture. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."
As he lowered himself into his chair, Feranis invited Millan to sit while Eriph stood against the wall. "Don Millan, I'd like to ask you, along with Don Eriph here, to accompany me to the Scriptorum this evening where we'll have an audience with Prima Mashira."
Millan's eyes widened. He had only met the Candelux leader once, at his Acceptance. Any fatigue in his body vanished. "An audience with the Prima? Me?"
"Yes, in light of the possibility of a twisted gate outside Nesinu, I had already arranged to consult with the Council regarding our expedition tomorrow. But due to the events of tonight, that meeting was delayed. It's now even more crucial we speak with the Prima and update her on the situation. I will need you to accompany me in case she has any questions for you regarding the evacuation of Nesinu."
"You…you think she wants to…to speak with me?" Millan stuttered.
"Calm yourself," Feranis said. "The Prima's human just like us. There's no reason to be nervous. You're not on trial. We just need to have all the information we can get. And whether you realize it or not, in Don Skully's absence, you are technically the head don of Nesinu."
"More like the only don in Nesinu."
"Even so, I want you to be there."
"Of course, Your Grace."
"Good. Collect your thoughts. The audience is in twenty minutes." Feranis leaned on his elbows and clasped his hands. "In the meantime, I have a favor to ask of you."
Millan briefly glanced at Eriph, who was quietly observing the discussion. "Of course. I'll help in any way I can."
"Don Yatiga has gone missing. The watchers at the north gate reported her leaving the city with two unknown figures. You'll hear more at the meeting with the Prima and her advisors, but I fear the worst. What I must ask of you may be difficult. I have considered asking one of my own priests, but with you here, seeking shelter, perhaps you can fill the void."
Millan fidgeted in his chair. Different scenarios ran through his mind. What if Feranis wanted him to search for Yatiga? At night? Alone? There were still fray out there, for sure. And who were the figures leaving with her? What if they were demons too? Iymed? Verago? Millan's spine tingled, and he was barely able to nod.
"I need you to supervise her squire class in the school tomorrow."
The tension in his muscles melted away. "Excuse me?"
"Don Yatiga teaches a senior squire class. I imagine you must have been involved with teaching your squire in Nesinu. Is that correct?"
"Excellent." Feranis said. "Then I would like you to teach the class in her absence. Can you do that?"
"Um, uh, well, sure, I'd be happy to help. Tyro wasn't quite senior, so this will be new for me. What do I teach them?"
"Anything you like. This is only temporary for now, so I leave it in your hands."
"No problem." Millan had no idea what to teach.
"Thank you." Feranis placed his palms flat on the desk and stood. "Now that that's been taken care of, let's head over to the Scriptorum and prepare for the audience. We'll be using the Scribe's Mirror."
"The Scribe's Mirror?" Millan knew the Scriptorum delivered letters across the kingdom but was unfamiliar with this term.
Eriph pushed off the wall. "Don't get out of Nesinu much, huh?"
"Not really, no."
"You'll see." Feranis grabbed his staff from the corner and ushered the two priests out of his office.
As the three men walked out of the rectory and into the street, Millan studied Eriph in his periphery. The shield across Eriph's back had three points at the top and tapered to a single point as the bottom portion hovered around his waist. Millan was intrigued by the object. "Don Eriph, may I ask you something?"
"Ask away."
"What made you choose a shield as a conduit? I've never heard of a priest wielding a shield."
"Uncommon, maybe," Eriph conceded, "but certainly not unheard of. I wanted a defensive specialty. A shield seemed appropriate."
"So with whom did you specialize?" Millan pried.
"Perhaps," Feranis interrupted, "you two can discuss such matters after the audience. I would like to explain now how I want this to go. At the beginning, I'll introduce you both. Then I want to address the events in order. Don Skully and the evacuation of Nesinu will be first. Don Millan, I have no doubt the Council will have some questions for you."
"Yes, Your Grace."
"Then I'll discuss the events that happened here tonight. Once we answer any questions concerning the attack and Don Yatiga's disappearance, there shouldn't be too much more to discuss. The Prima may have to speak with Don Eriph concerning his Ascen
sion, but Millan, you may be excused at that time."
"There's no reason for him to be excused if he wishes to stay and listen," Eriph said calmly.
Feranis glimpsed at the shield-bearing priest. "As you wish."
Millan sensed there was something more behind their exchange but decided not to delve any deeper. The watcher headquarters came into view, along with the large clock tower, which housed the six bells used to signal the demon attack. The clock read five minutes to eleven. The city square was quiet as they crossed the area where Reaper had been defeated. It was the first time Millan had witnessed the cleansing of an iymed. Before long, the group entered a side street and came upon a building with a sign hanging above the door. The wooden plaque had an illustration of an unfurled scroll.
Feranis knocked on the Scriptorum door. "Someone should be waiting for us."
The door swung open, and an old man with white frizzy hair appeared in the threshold. His voice was hoarse from age. "Good evening, Your Grace."
"Good evening, Elder Scribe. Thank you so much for allowing us use of your services at such an hour."
"Of course, of course. Please come in. I see you've brought other guests."
The archdon held his hand in front of each priest as he introduced him. "May I present Don Eriph from Light's Haven and Don Millan from Nesinu. They will be accompanying me."
"Pleased to meet you both. I am Elder Scribe Pasiti. Please follow me to our Scribe's Mirror." Pasiti guided the three priests through the Scriptorum. "You have my assurance that both scribes conducting the ritual will be blinded and deafened for your privacy, as is customary."
"Excellent. Thank you," Feranis said.
As they arrived at a room, Pasiti paused in front of it and addressed the two dons. "I don't know how familiar you are with the Scribe's Mirror, but I request that you do not cross the lit candles or throw any objects at the mirror or the scribes. Such actions will result in bans from our Scriptorum and any scribe services, along with any lawful consequences."
"We understand the terms of your ritual, Elder Scribe," Feranis replied respectfully.